I don't know about most complete but DH (Dear Husband) found the biggest!......

My bestest friend couldn't make it this time....... the old bones were playing up!.. so DH came instead. It wasn't the same.. I don't think he entered into the spirit of the thing! Anyway this is what ended up on my piece of string!
Fab little collection of freebies there ! Those ammonites are fab !!
Did you stop for cake?
Did this in Scarbough let me tell you the picking were slim! although if I would have wanted a dead crab I could have had it 30x over the sea gulss must have been on form but I did find a couple of complete shells and some seaweed and a wee bit of drift wood I think I will have to try a different part of the beach or another one entirely next time (although I loved it) me and DH had so much fun and saw loads of wld life in the small pools left behind isn't nature wonderful?
Love Dawn xx
How fun is this! We always go on a family weekend to the beach...I should do this with my nine year old! He always loves to collect things! Thanks for the wonderful idea! :)
I can see something wonderful coming from your treasures, love the soft colors. I want to see when it's made, please!
I like your stones with holes in them! When we were young, my brothers and I always searched for stones with holes, especially large holes. Someone told us they were magical, so we used to put a finger through the hole in a stone and make a wish! Our caravan always ended up loaded down with stones, when we came back from a beach holiday.
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