Tuesday, 10 July 2012

A Bit Late...

..but here's June's Month in Numbers..if you're wondering what it's all about then take a look here. Not much numberwise at the begining of June... but the end proved a bit more productive... in fact you couldn't move for numbers!

..just love the random guy with the number six on his back!


Julie Kirk said...

Love the fold out pages and all those numbers. You mus thave looked like a dedicated car fan. Like me snpping away when I'm at the airshow. Maybe I need to get T-shirts + badges printed with something like "I'm not here for the cars/planes etc ... I'm just looking for numbers/or Fridays/or funny signs etc"

You're all pinned now: http://pinterest.com/notesonpaper/my-month-in-numbers/


Jennifer Grace said...

Ha, great, love all the car numbers! x

Angelnorth said...

Great pages and some numbers in fab places!

Sian said...

I'm catching up, browsing Julie's board after being away in July. I love the collection of numbers - I'm thinking they are useful photos to have for all sorts of things