Friday 21 September 2012

It's All Gone ....

Pear shaped.....Blogger has changed to the new version, I can't post from my lap top... There's no icons on the tool bar and I don't know enough to fix it!. I'm posting this from my iPad but cant post a picture unless through a hosting site and I've not got the hang of that yet so service may be delayed for some time so please bear with me.


My name is Cindy said...

Good Luck. I go into a blind panic every time something changes. Hope you get it sorted (I also only know just enough to do what I want to do - it's really hard work sorting out fixes when they 'improve' blogger). Cindy

My name is Cindy said...

Good Luck. I go into a blind panic every time something changes. Hope you get it sorted (I also only know just enough to do what I want to do - it's really hard work sorting out fixes when they 'improve' blogger). Cindy

Karen said...

I get very jumpy when they change Blogger so I feel for you. Good luck my lovely x