Sunday, 15 December 2013

In The Post...

..just in time for Christmas..Faux postage using stamps from Crafty Individuals. In the past I've made faux postage stamps by  using grid paper from the internet ( you can find some free downloads here) and making a mask, sponging ink  through onto the squares and then stamping through the masked aperture....very messy and so easy to spoil the whole sheet with one mistake...and  I end up with ink everywhere..

So much easier to stamp the whole image onto patterned paper, cut out a rectangle and glue onto the printed mess!

and takes much less time.


Sid said...

The tag looks fab Effie !!

Sue said...

Have always loved faux postage and yours are fab! Love the parts of images:)

Cocofolies said...

This is a great idea, thank you for sharing both your lovely tag using your technique and those beautiful CI stamps and the link on the freebies for postage sheets! Coco x

Angelnorth said...

Great idea for a tag, the faux postage looks fab on there!

Daniele said...

brilliant faux postage, thanks for the link Efie